Youth Splendor OASIS
Dr. Fantaousakis is an experienced cultural and developmental psychologist in coaching youth on adaptive social competencies and decision making.
The Youth Splendor OASIS (Odyssey of Adolescence in Search of Individuality and Selfhood) curriculum focuses on the well-being of the whole person and cultivates resilience, creativity, and goal-oriented choices in youth.
Its developmental orientation offers age-appropriate practices that scaffold mastery of effective cognitive skills and social competencies.
Its cultural emphasis captures the broad context of the adolescence experience and facilitates individualized adaptive behavior.
Its mindfulness-based focus promotes a wholehearted lifestyle and motivates active engagement that enhances self-awareness, accountability, resilience, and autonomy.
The ABCs of the OASIS mindfulness-based curriculum are
Authenticity, Belonging, and Compassionate-Autonomy.
· Demonstrate self-integrity, individuality, and commitment to optimal performance
· Build character by practicing constructive action, accountability, and loyalty to values
· Value connections to family, friends, community, and the environment
· Appreciate and respect the predicaments of common humanity
· Assume a sense of social responsibility to make a difference in the world
· Demonstrate mastery in capacity-building skills, take innovative initiatives
· Practice social competencies grounded in self-compassion and empathy for others
· Appreciate the significance of independent thought, and individuality in the context of family and community well-being
· Contemplate responsibilities in personal choices, environmental causes and social justice