
Innovative and Inspirational Pedagogical Practices

As a mindful educator, in a highly diverse community, Dr. Fantaousakis continues to witness the disruptive void created by the abstract-academic emphasis schools follow.  She advocates for mindful educational practices that motivate learning by actively engaging students to create culturally relevant niches of meaning.  Accordingly,  she creates safe spaces of learning with academic activities engage students at a personal level and emanate possibilities of understanding and self-awareness that can be deliberately transformative.  To this end, Dr. Fantaousakis creatively:

  • Introduces innovative instruction for deliberately transformative learning environments
  • Facilitates mindful interventions in diverse school and community settings
  • Intertwines children's zones of potential development into classroom zones of potential learning and growth
  • Cultivates bridges of understanding and appreciation in collaborative classroom discourse
  • Nurtures compassionate communication and emotional wellness inside and outside the classroom

Mindful Classroom Learning Spaces

  • Open spaces to let children be who they are
  • Provide open safe learning spaces that nurture creativity, critical reasoning, empathy, self/other acceptance and social competencies
  • Cultivate appreciation of collaborative action in the construction of attention, problem-solving, and creativity
  • Open safe spaces to co-construct emotional regulation and purposeful action 
  • Systemic-support structures and classroom mindful practices
  • Compassionate autonomy and modeling students’ emotional regulation, self-acceptance, and authenticity
  • Diversity acceptance and exploration of assumptions, beliefs, labels, and thought patterns of biases
  • Multi-directionality of emotional well-being: nourishing the inner lives of teachers and students
  • Multi-cultural classroom of wellness, creativity, compassion, connectedness and meaningful learning

Mindful Schooling: Mastering the Art of Learning

  • Honor the whole child  and nurture the actualization of her or his full potential
  • Foster compassionate autonomy and support self-compassion, authenticity, and empathy
  • Cultivate social sensitivities through deep listening, empathy, emotional regulation, and social competencies 
  • Co-create personalized learning and make academic knowledge cultural relevant

Mindful Schooling: Mastering the Art of Teaching

  • Risks of non-cooperative mindfulness classroom practices
  • Survival of the supported educator -- nurturing the inner lives of Teachers and emotional well-being
  • Practical guide on mindful teaching qualities:  attention, intention, understanding, boundaries, compassion, authenticity
  • Heart-to-heart teacher- learner alignment in the co-creation of emotional regulation and well-being
  • Authentic models of compassionate autonomy and self-acceptance for students who are daring greatly